My teapot was a winner in a competition that WSKG TV put on. They are compiling a one hour documentary with interviews with all the artists, and in January I went on camera. The clip is edited and on youtube, catch it below!
WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
That was fantastic, Gary! Very professional, yet comfortable and fun. If you were nervous, it didn't show - I probably would have froze up.
You're a star! :-)
hee - rock'n'roll Gary! loved it, especially after having met so recently, it was nice to hear your voice again :)
:-( No sound here- but good to see the teapots and you together to get the scale of them!
That's great, Gary! I love listening to you talk about your work and inspirations.
Awesome!!! Where are you going to keep your trophy????
Fantistico. You are famous. :)
Thank you!
This is so cool. Loved the explanation of how your inspiration comes from. Your pottery IS a lot of fun.
Great work!
Why didn't I see you on the Oscar telecast?
dude, that was excellent!
OMG! You're a TV star! Great job dude!
A wonderful interview. Much better than that other awards show last night!
You know - you said something in the interview about how easy it is to sell your pieces on your blog. I think that is because people like you. Not only is your pottery gorgeous, but you are funny, so it's like buying a piece of Gary. I'm not trying to take anything away from your talent, but your personality is a big part of it too.
Congratulations on your major award! Well done. :)
Very cool. You sure appear comfy on camera. Congrats. :)
That was a very nice professional interview. Way to go Gary!
That was wonderful! You are so adorable!
I love your vocabulary; it's so full of energy like yourself. (ie: dynamic, whimsical)
I also agree with fiwa. Via your blog you make so many sales NOT just because you are good at what you do but ALSO because we come to know you and befriend you and we want to support your endeavors.
[And, some of us just needed someone to make them a 4 cup coffee cup.] ;-)
Happy Monday!
Terrific interview.
Hamilton? I taught in Sherburne for 22 years before my recent move to Oregon. Small world...
Hey Gary! I liked that, I liked the explanations, and the enthusiasm. Others here have said it, but it's true, your pots are great, I really like the way you work the clay, play with the shapes, I like the way the elephants, pigs, cows, the smiling moon all say "Hey, don't take it all so seriously, smile, have some fun"
And the blog? Always something to smile about. Compared to you i'm such a grouchy curmudgeon...
And hey.... i was one of those potters who made too many pond-slime coloured pots, i confess. Brainwashed by Leachery at college. The future will have more colour, I'll tell people I left Leachery for Rithism.
Excellent interview. This is so cool.
definitely better than the oscars... the comedy, the drama, the documentary quality of this blog!
And the cutest little pig sculptor Oscar goes to goes to......
Gary Rith
I love this interview. I recently had the (dis)pleasure of watching myself on video. We made a video for the company being in business 30 years. I didn't know I was such a twitch machine. I didn't even think I was feeling that nervous. I think that's just part of me. Twitching and biting my lips and trying not to smile.
You just look so natural and calm. The opposite of camera Kasey.
Woo-hoo! Outstanding for sure! Very nice interview.
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