A couple o' pots here....

Pottery by Gary Rith...
WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
I wondered when you were going to make that jam. You usually make it on Thanksgiving, don't you?
Looks good!
There's nothing better than homemade jam. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get last year's berries out of the freezer and made into jam so there's room for this year's berries.
Could life be any better for Gary? NOPE: he has a frontier woman who makes him sweet stuff. I have never thought to make jam, but then again, I can't even grow a berry down here. But I got some 'maters.
Love the worm bowl..he is so cute.
growing tomatos in winter THAT IS SO UNFAIR ;^)
gotta love the raspberries, yum. i've got that radiohead cd around here somewhere, might have to dig it out.
we usually make it on Christmas, thanks for remembering kate! RUNNING LATE this year!
Does Maude make the jelly or does she leave the skins on and make jam?
Homemade jam is awesome. I haven't had any since my grandmother turned 90 and stopped making it.
JAM :)
That inchworm is so adorable!!
And so, of course, is Maude.♥
Our neighbor gave us a couple jars of homemade jam after the boys helped to shovel her out last month. YUM!!
I wish there was a 'like' button on blog comments like they have on FB. *LIKE* :)
I get excited when I pop over here hoping to see a kiln'ed, completed pink and red cow! :-D
YUM! Jam. Good thing too 'cuz we know you like your PB&J!
' knor knor' ---> that's what pigs say in Dutch.
I think in this case it means ' i like being here on this beautiful pot!'
(no idea what sound a caterpillar makes...)
Love your work and your blog, been reading it for a while now.
hopefully i'll be in pottery-blogland soon!
(shoot, that's the third time i've written that, got to get it out there!)
greetings from (rainy) Amsterdam
Yumm homemade jam!!!
Love the wormy dish and teapot!!
mmmm. Jam.
What is on Maude's oven mitts? Are those dinos?
I think one is a dino and the other a dog, for oven mitts :)
This made my mouth water. And I love that little worm on the pot.. the colours are wonderful
Ah...homemade jam. And whats better than having it with homemade bread??
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