We are walking down the road a minute ago with the beagle and the wife is all lovey dovey and such, and takes my arm and sez
"this is the arm with my initial on it" and I am like
"YEP, one year ago today" and she is like
"I thought it was March 15?" and I am like
"nope, easy to remember: the day after St Pat's" and she is like
"Tat on the day after St Pat's, first St Pat's then tats, first Pat's then tats"
kinda making a song of it....
Many of you remember all this. In 1994 me and the missus are driving near our home in New Hampshire and we go by Dastardly Dan's Tattoos in Rindge, NH and I say "Hey, I'd get a tat!" and the wife is like "what of???" and I am like, because it pops right into my head, "I'd get a blue M for your initial in a red star because YOU are the star of my life, the center of my life" and she is like "nice, but NO" and the years go by and I am always like "I wanna get that TAT" and she is like "NO" but last winter I am like "I am getting that tat before my birthday" and she is like "NO!!!" until I remind her "it is because of YOU. TO HONOR YOU!" and I had drawn this tat and I held it to my arm and she is like "well, if you put it that way, I will drive you"
You two are just so dern cute. :) That is some nice ink, btw.
I don't have any tats. But, I'm still considering getting one.
I love that you guys remember the dates of all these events. So sweet. I can not remember jack shit. I hate it.
Dead Kennedys poster!
Awesome ink. You just had to show her a visual.
For a minute there I thought you were getting another tat! Maybe one with Spike's name? ;)
mermaid on the left arm, mebbe in another 14 years :)
I love your explanation! And I'm like Jay, I don't have one...
What a funny and sweet story!!!
You two are so sweet. That always stands out to me. This time though, the town of Rindge, NH caught my eye. I've actually been there several times. That's the town right on the border of Massachusetts, right? I used to spend a great deal of time in the wee little town of Winchendon, MA.
What a nice story of the tattoo.
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