The wife is in bed feeling sick as a dog and cuddling WITH the dog and I am like
"oh that is SO cute" and get the camera and start clicking and the wife is like
"DON'T BLOG THIS!" and I am like
"but you both are so cute!" and then its sorta like
"I don't want anybody at work seeing this" as if they would, but I am persistant so this morning, right now, I show her the pic and I am like
"see, you look cute" but there is a murderous look in her eye and she does not have to tell me again but I did an artful trim job...
Gary's Third Pottery Blog
When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
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Me and Missus Tastycakes
ME, the TV interview :)
my etsy gallery
Blog Archive
- April = Awesome!
- 4 years ago today!
- le pigs
- the KITTEN haiku:
- B.A.B.
- "cats don't eat peanut butter, do they?"
- BENJI, Penny and GEORGES go commando....
- the VERY windy day...
- "are you hawt mama? you sure look that way to me..."
- so ends a SASSY week....
- the lady takes a (brief) vacation
- "GOD, you're subjecting people to so much...": the...
- absolutely nothing of interest will happen today *
- I AM A WINNER and bamf
- "you're not growing a SOUL PATCH are you?"
- GOSH my life is so thoroughly boring....
- springtime, when a young monkey's heart turns to s...
- piggy gear....
- le WOLF: the moooovie
- it usually snows on the first day of spring :)
- beagle teapot
- a gang of women and Georges Le Soq
- oh no, BECKY JO!!!!
- NOT gonna tell the squashed frog joke....
- the year of the TAT
- Benji, ME, Georges Le Soq, Missus O'Leary...
- oh GEORGES....
- tip THIS COW!
- le interview
- the USUAL Friday thang...
- GIDDYUP Georges and Penny: the most important pos...
- Cows, Collins, Chapterhouse....
- the TEAPOT and girlfriend story
- scenes from the day, except you already know about...
- Georges Le Soq + DENTIST = !!!!!
- "just lie back and this won't hurt a bit"
- and the Oscar for best 7 minute pottery interview ...
- Spike and Emily Cats: NOT a fight to the death
- Friday revisited?
- a day that started at 2:28
- art road trip with Benji and Christi
- le roadtrip, part ONE with Georges Le Soq and Benji
- "you've got Ferret hair!"
- G.R.E.A.T.
- Le Pennster....
- Benji the painter, ETC.
- Spike, Penny, other bits and pieces
- BENJI's paintings
- le cats!
- Mad potter
- BUSTER the black lab and why I put animals onto po...
- scenes from a Sunday :)
About Me
- Gary's third pottery blog
- I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.
I really like your teapots. Do you do Cardigan Corgis?
I hope your wife feels better. Will you be taking her some tea in one of these cute pots?
PUGggggggaaluggy. CUTE! :)
Hope Maude feels better very soon. Bring her some tea in one of those mugs!
I hope Maude gets feeling better. The change in seasons seems to always get me feeling crummy too.
That tea pot is the bomb diggity!
It would make a pug snort with joy.
Get well soon, Maude!
Get well soon Maude! Love the teapots!! How about one with a Jack Russell Terrier (TERROR)and Miniature Pinscher Mix??
oh golly, I think she will survive :) time change week leaves ya feeling OFF, you know?
Oh I totally know. Eff the time change in it's A!
My sleep patterns are to delicate to be toyed with like this.
Be nice, she needs her rest.. No pictures!!!
BTW, Love the Froggy mug :)
Wow, great pots! (As if you did bad ones...)
Hope Maude feels better soon!
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