(new bowls by Gary Rith)
I know, you all have your minds in the gutter. Go ahead to comments, leave your own confession!
I confess: it has been noticed around the house that I put cans and bottles away with the label on the back. So you never know at a glance what stuff is. I am trying to correct this. Why on earth do I do it?
I also toy with my food between bites, pushing it and arranging it together on the left side of my plate. I never noticed that one either until it was pointed out to me, but see no reason to change it.
I have a thing for UK accents. Well, Irish, Australian, New Zealand too (Canada, not so much...they sound like Americans, except more polite). BBC world service comes on the radio with Chloe's urgent voice "bombs over Syria, death and destruction everywhere..." and I MELT with PUPPY LOVE. Ditto Fiona from Thistle and Shamrock....
Go to comments, what can you confess to the unwashed masses?
I have different voices for all the 4legger residents of the house. They give crits and demand way too many treats!
No way am I confessing to anything. Last time I did that, they took away my passport. Bastards.
I'm with you on the UK accents. I suspect regions of Canada sound different. When my friend from Cape Breton gets going I know that to be the case:) Wonderful bowls, GR!
I'm not telling. Just ask my friends, who know all. Smile.
I bought waaaay too much wine on the weekend getaway with my long-time friends from middle/high school. I'd like to blame the buzz from the delicious tastings at those lovely wineries, but really, I knew I was doing it.
My husband likes wine but can't tell the difference between a mediocre vs. good wine, so I'm not going to share with him.
Well, my earlier comment must have been lost in the series of tubes.
My confession is that I have an addiction to pot. Pot as in "pot"tery of the Gary Rith variety.
I'm going to be moving in the near future and as I surveyed that packing situation, I realized that I have A LOT of POTTERY.
In short, I confess that I am blessed.
I have been unpacking boxes all day today ALL BY MYSELF. We thought we were moving so I had a huge amount of stuff (half the garage full) already packed up so the house was uncluttered and pristine and ready to go on the market at a moment's notice. Happily, we are staying and my husband got a good job that he is very excited about. However, I could have used some help today. He had a lunch outing with friends from his old office to celebrate but I didn't intend him to be gone all day on some sort of pub crawl. He just called asking what I was doing. Really? Really? I suggested he bring a really nice bottle of bourbon home with him. :) Okay, enough kvetching, back to the boxes!
I confess I want a bowl. And Karen's wine.
I just love Penny's new look! Cool! My favourite accent is NZ.
Ah, English/Irish accents! My son is named "Sean Patrick".... for Sean Connery and Patrick Stewart. 'sigh'...
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