So you know I am at my last fair of the year Sunday (and YES, my aching body slept like the dead last night) and it was a first, in some ways.
As you see below, I don't recall ever loading the vehicle when I was in snow almost up to my knees in our driveway...I s'pose I could have shoveled there, right? Also, my lucky blue table on the roof? It has never ridden atop the car before. I mean, I found it on the street for free, so it is not unused to the elements, and it is a tough little trooper....I find that when I go to fairs with it I do SUPER GOOD sales...really!
But you see that wagon up there in the middle? The last picture of these shows my buddy Nance and her colorful display. Which HAD a wagon in it, a small, puppy size wagon. The name of this show was Little Red Wagon, so Nance borrowed a little red wagon from a friend who slapped a price tag on it saying "if you can sell it, do!". Nance was displaying jewelry on it.
She was setting up and I grabbed it and threw some cash at her with a jaunty "No tax, and you'll give me a discount, won't you?" and she was like "wait, you can't take it now, it's my display!!!".
I took it. It became MY display. Later another friend told her I had doubled the price and sold it to HER for a tidy little profit and Nance was steamed...until she heard the laughter....
I am not selling it, now it is MY lucky little red wagon. Nice part of the display, hmm?

My old pal Christi organized this thing. If I WAS tired, imagine how tired she might be?
Awesome season, now to ship some boxes.....

Nance below, WITHout the little wagon....

The little wagon is perfect for your display, well done, including the practical joke.
How awesome! Love your display!
the wagon is PERFECT for your display!
That wagon BELONGS in your display...and is set off just right by your darling critters and shiney glazed pottery!
I am impressed you can fit all that into your car.
Just up the road a couple of weeks ago someone put a rusty Radio Flyer out for the trash men.... I was in a hurry for my physical therapy appointment, so thought.... I'll grab that when I come back in a couple of hours.... Boooooohooooooo! it was gone, the rest of the trash was there but... boooooohoooooooooooooo!
So I'm jealous. I don't need one. I just wanted it, rusty relic of someone else's childhool.
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