SPEAKING of Godzilla, Penny here doing her Dogzilla thing, huh? I was getting a picture of her with this pretty flowering tree and she made this FACE! Haha, she is always making funny faces....
Below, remember I was telling you 2 days ago that the blob going into the kiln was gonna fire up and be AMAZING? This is it. IT IS amazing isn't it? I know that is tooting my own horn, but it came out exactly as I wanted.....I am doing more with monsters and cars today, stay tuned!

I was walking with Penny AGAIN by horses near the Cornall vet school, and these sweeties were hanging around, being friendly with me....got a pic of me this time with the FRONT end of a horse...Penny was curious for a second, then one snorted and she freaked and moved far away from them....

Oh go ahead and call yourself a genius!
Thanks for the Award!. I shall do my humble best to live up to the high standard set by the previous winner!
Info is on the way. :)
I think Penny's funny face is an attempt to imitate all the ferocious Godzilla faces around your house.
Gary, we still need a little more psychotherapy around the "Godzilla eating people" theme. Exactly how many horror movies did you watch when you were a kid??
Behind that mild-mannered potter, there is this sinister side that comes out when clay is in his hands...
Penny looks a bit intimidating. :P
Congrats to the winners!
I know, Penny may look like a tiny and cute thing, but a BEAST lurks within! Joseph, its true, I really loved old fashioned horror movies as a kid and now---Bela Lugosi in Dracula, Boris karloff in Frankenstein or even better, that Bride of Frankenstein, the Blob, the Thing, The Swamp Thing and of course, the very many Godzilla movies....I never have liked modern horror at all though, not Jason or Nightmare on Elm St or Halloween or friday the 13th or Saw or Freddie kruger or anything like that--just the old fashioned, classic movies :) But, in the end, making these things is SUPER fun and funny....
did you have to lie down on the ground to get that first photo of Penny? Not often one sees the underside of the beagle chin. :)
Yes, I know what you mean about the classic horror movies. You sort of "knew" the evil characters were evil and that they would not gain the upper hand in the end. The "modern" horror flicks take off the gloves and are more "terror" flicks than "horror" flicks. We used to have a Saturday matinee where if you deposited 25 cents in your savings account at the bank you got a ticket to the movies. (What a deal!) The Brides of Dracula was a memorable Saturday along with all the cartoons and Three Stooges...
(The good old days)
there was never any question that you were genius.
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