I used to be a bank making machine, 20 different animals! Penguins, cats, bunnies, ducks, etc etc plus 2 sizes of many and 4 sizes of piggy banks. I did not burn out on the them, but I needed a break: I was wholesaling them for a long time, and would get these orders for 100. Good golly I like a check for big dollars but it is flippin' DULL making so many of the same. Now, as you know, I fart around, doing this and that every day, not wholesaling....
ANYWAY, C's question made me think of my nice elephant sugar bowls, seen a couple of days ago, and trying, as you see here, something just totally round (2nd row from top) and they look GREAT, I am pleased with that new idea, my old style elephant banks sitting 3rd row from top. The bottom shows 2 types of my small piggy banks, one standard and the other sitting, both small, pocket sized, sort of. I made my first standard pigs when I saw one around '88, just a bottle on the side, etc, but I really like my sitting pig banks, which I started around 2000, and is entirely MY idea. Lastly and superSUPER exciting, on top these Godzilla/dragon/dinosaur banks...a new style of those for me! Sooooo fun, but a lot of work compared to others....
thanks for listening!

(banks by Gary Rith)
Ooooh, Dragon banks! Very cool!
OOOOOOHHHHH! Banks! Love the way they look on the ladder....those Godzillas!
I can think of all sorts of people who need these! Hey, I was just over at my friend Jen's house borrowing her dog and saw the awesome giraffe mug you made for her son. I might need one of those too one of these days. Very cute!
Yeah, I can't picture you whole-saleing either.
Love those piggies. Oink!!!
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