Wouldn't you love a May Day card from ME? Something drawn on a card, spring-ish, original artwork??? Of course you would! Go to comments and add your ONE FACT and ONE DREAM and I will randomly choose one of them to receive ORIGINAL AND VALUABLE yet funny artwork by me, in the mail!
My fact, of, so many....well, one fact is that this kiln load of stuff seen below, mostly banks of different types, looks AWESOME. It is cooling and this is a quick look in the top before and after. Another fact is I am thinking that if it is gonna be this warm this morning my bike needs some company and adventure....
And a dream: calm. I dream of calm. It is a beautiful spring but I feel a bit manic. I would very much like sh!t to settle down. Starting with ziplock bags, as many of you know, those things need to CHILL OUT.
NOW YOU go to comments and give us your fact and dream!

Fact- you can not put Pennies in Penny.
Dream-we make a living at this pottery stuff!
Fact: life seems to short. Dream: being able to control the light.
Fact: A towhee is gathering twigs and grass for a nest.
Dream: To be able to find the nest.
fact: i AM big in japan.
dream: to blend in a little better, just for a bit
Fact: people who use words like "zen" and "energy" in everyday speech can either be the coolest people you meet or the most annoying person ever that you bolt away from before they even finish a sentence.
Dream: Last night I was riding on such a great energy that it was difficult to zen out and fall asleep, but after readjusting my sleep asana, I was able to dream a lovely dream wherein I lived Law and Order: SVU.
Fact: I survived another trip to Japan with only minor glitches, like ending up in the wrong city.
Dream: Walking up a hill in northern India to talk with the Dalai Lama.
Fact: I've had a strong NEED to listen to The Who lately. I would say it's just a want, but it's gone past that point.
Dream: My dreams have been like work lately. Where I just wake up and feel exhausted about all I've been doing in my sleep. That needs to stop. I'd like to dream about sleeping or something. Or flying! I haven't had a good flying dream for a long time.
Bonus fact: That is one incredibly awesome monster mug! And you say there is a twin? Too cool!
fact: my feet hurt
dream: that my feet don't hurt
(boring, I know, but all true)
good work so far all you awesome people, thanks! OK, another fact (as I was out hanging my laundry now) FACT: a robin family is nesting under our deck again and next to our chimney a NEW and beautiful house finch pair is building a nest! Yay! dream: truthful dream, I was in NY city last night and the power went out and I had to go to the top of an impossibly tall building to try to get the power back...cool buildings all around, but reallllllllly scary heights!
Fact: That is one fat cat and I love fat cats!
Dream: To travel the world and be confident in doing it!
FACT: Yesterday I received a dog and cat mug from Gary and it came wrapped inside one of those ziploc bags that needs to chill out!
DREAM: I live in NC for 10 months and on a beautiful lake in NH for two months (July and August)... and of course I make pottery in BOTH locations.
Fact - I love my dog but hate the hair that falls off him leaving a thick layer all over my house.
Dream - having someone come in my house twice a day to vacuum both the house and the dog.
Fact: I won the last card from Gary, so I would like to give the opportunity to someone else.
Dream: I wish I was more of a cut-throat because it would be cool to get another card from Gary...
hohoho, the CURSE OF THE ZIPLOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fact: My condo courtyard just had 2 ducks, one turtle and one female cardinal all chillin' out together this afternoon.
Dream: I want to live in a cottage on the beach.
Fact: On my left pinky finger I have an extra joint line (when looking at the palm of my hand).
Dream: Financial stability. Do we ever know though when we have it?
Fact: I have one cat sitting on the desk, one on the printer, and one next to my chair. All would like me to quit typing and give them some dinner.
Dream: That I would win the lottery.
I am laughing about your comment regarding ziploc bags. YOU are crazy funny.
Fact: Last night I rearranged our magnets/photos on our fridge....and I was admiring the magnets you have given me. I have two and they are super special.
Dream: Last night I dreamt of falling stars....and if you see two falling stars together, they are called Zingers.
{I have no idea where that came from, but it sounds realistic, right?!}
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