You may recall a discussion
earlier this fall, about our neighbor Paul and Julie's house, and how there was a flattened squirrel in the road in front of their place for a few days. Our adorable beagle sure did want to taste that! By my count, since then, there have been SEVEN flattened squirrels in front of their place this fall. As of yesterday. This is perhaps because a) the river bank on that stretch of road has a zillion walnut trees and other squirrel delights and b) rednecks in large and loud pickups like to race down that 100 yards perhaps because c) it is, like, an old fashioned redneck video game: how many squirrels can you drive over!
Anyway, another neighbor over there, Rich and Hillary, are down at Viva having the burrito Tuesday and we meet them. They are like
"we have squirrels in the attic" and I am like "I know what its like, tap dancing over your head at 3 am....".
I make a cute squirrel mug, yes?

(new mugs by Gary Rith)
Is the mug a tribute to all the squirrels who have gone to a better place? Heaven, not the attic. :)
LOL@ Elizabeth!!!!!
Poor savage beasts...they didn't see the trucks coming. But you would think they HEARD them coming, right?
Sad story but cute mugs.
squirrels in the attic are destructive and dangerous! last year we spent a few weeks getting them out of the attic of our studio... they destroyed the insulation and chewed through an electrical wire... had to get an electrician to come in and do repairs. we need a few rednecks to play that game on our road!
well, the little red ones are very cute, but I know: they love attics.....
Oh man, and your title had me all worked up for zombie squirrels on pots. Nice cups anyway.
With that much road kill I think someone was aiming at them. Or they found some fermented berries and are drunk.(the squirrels, not the red necks although that's a good possibility too)
Have a great Christmas!
Nice to see squirrels where they belong....on or in pots!
Looking Good!!
For an opinion on squirrels (and racoons) go over the Tony and Sheila Clennel's blog.
Grey squirrels are bad enough but the reds are little and mean!
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