If a sexy hawt vampire came into your bedroom at night, what would you do????? Don't answer that.
I have type O negative blood, the universal donor. Anybody can use it. The Red Cross does not let me forget that. They are my true other lover: I get the calls, I get the emails, I get the letters, I get the sweet nothings in my ear...every few weeks--slightly less often if I give 2 pints of red blood cells like yesterday.
I don't like giving blood, I don't like anything about it. But, I am O-, I am a straight man who is not underweight or low iron and I have not been to Africa or eaten a mad cow, I have not had secks with a prostitute NOR have I ever taken money for secks. Therefore...they love me. And I try to reciprocate their love....at least a little...and imagine my DNA floating through untold grateful veins.....

Ahh good for you. It's not a fun task but so important and at least they feed you cookies. ;)
You are good.....I'm not in a position to give. We need people like you.....and there is always juice and cookies.
Frankly, the juice and cookies look pretty sh!tty and I never take them--little packets of store bought stuff. I brought an apple. When we lived in New Hampshire, which is a very wealthy state, there was BANQUET for donors. Lasagne, salad, desserts, etc. Somebody may have donated it or something! Of course, i didn't eat that either...I had my apple.....
Maybe you should donate some of your delicious meals with the blood. It might get more folks to donate.
It's a great thing to do, thank you for saving lives that way.
I had some surgery a few years ago and needed a pint or 2, it feels really awful to be that low, I was so glad that someone had donated.
Way to go! I'm not a fan either, but I should do it more often. :)
hey - i thought the donor was supposed to maybe faint, not the photographer...
O! You are pretty darn wonderful and funny- me please send those vampires knocking elsewhere- I don't care how good looking they are!
My blood type?- let's just say it is above average.
Merry Christmas cousin Gary!
Oh my lordy....you made me laugh so hard reading this??? Glad to know all this information, but I could have assumed it all prior to this post. :)
You are a good man Gary!!!
Thank you for donating blood! I haven't donated in years, but I used to do it on a semi-regular basis. Of course, I don't have a special blood type, so I was never on any "VIP" lists, but I do it because I know I'd be grateful for some healthy blood if I were ever in need of a transfusion.
Ooooooo! Your post gives me the shivers. I'm supposed to have my blood checked on a regular basis (every 6 months) and I think I've successfully evaded that event for about 2 years now ....I'm the universal receiver AB+. So I thank you mr. O- for your generous support.
And I'm wishing you and Ms. Tastycakes a very very Merry Merry Christmas and New Year.
The man with the magic blood. Way to go, G!
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