People ask why I wear the skull ring, seen below, and that is why "if you are not dead, you have more options". Keith Richards of the Stones wears his because, as he says, something to do with we are all the same underneath. Not that I am trying to be cool like Keith Richards or anything ;)
The whole point of this post, actually, aside from the dancing dog, is to share, like, my 5th or 75th, hard to keep track, peanut noodle recipe. Got this one the other day from somewhere, but it is the most simple of any I have seen, and the least fat and salt, and yummo! Recipe follows *

More peanut noodles!
--cook 8 oz noodles per usual, reserve a half cup of the water when done and pour into small bowl
--add to that 5 tbsp peanut butter, 3tbsp vinegar (I used red wine), one tbsp soy sauce, whisk together, stir into pasta, yummo! Serve your noodles with stir fry or whatever! I am wondering what it would be like to use lime juice rather than vinegar, or a combination....stay tuned :)
how true, how very true!
Maurice Chevalier said upon being asked how he liked being (I Think) eighty. "It's wonderful, considering the alternative."
Is Penny enthusiastically waiting for noodles? I wonder how they would be with almond butter and almonds?
My grandmother kept a little quote taped to the inside of one of her kitchen cupboards that said, "Do not resent growing older. Many are denied the opportunity."
Oooo I love that! I'm stealing it. I think part of the reason I wear my skull is a basic reminder of mortality and to live in the moment while we still can. That, and it looks cool. Right?
I always use lime juice in my peanut noodles. Very tasty. Cute pics of Penny in the hat!
I just think skulls are so cool and pretty. I don't think I'd think the same about an actual skull, but neato skulls like your pottery and ring and all that. It's just cool and pretty!
If only I could burn the calories like Penny...I'd be in great shape.
Your post titles are the best!
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