I was here in town yesterday, on the waterfront at Ithaca Artist Market at the farmer's market. Our farmer's market is HUGE, like the Empire State Building, and just as iconic (for Ithaca). People come from around the world to eat curried cauliflower and buy striped eggplant on the lakefront...but one day a year it is all art. 80-90 of us! It is a large permanent structure, and is awesome because all the booths are ready and waiting for you to simply add stuff (you don't need to pack tables!) under a roof (you don't need to pack a tent!) and you park next to your spot (NO SCHLEPPING!).
Customers get the lake, food, music, art, so 2-8 on a July Friday becomes a BIG party.
I go 12 months without seeing some people, and it is a HUGE homecoming for the town, seeing all your friends! The wife came along and was a good luck charm, and I was easily able to exceed my goals for the day.
How to describe this. Many people take my picture. The pics above were taken by Stev0 and Nance. But strangers? Someone taking a picture of my whole booth and others is one thing, but I like to be asked. Nobody ever asks.
A young woman who looked Chinese quickly walked up and grabbed my hippo teapot, positioned it just so, and started to take its picture before I jumped in front of it and warned her to get permission. She and the people with her ran off. It was probably innocent but.....the wife reminds me of scouts from Chinese industry going to stores and fairs and scooping ideas,
no SH!T.......
......and ANYWAY......

here is the lakefront and docks--boats pull right up to the market....
My booth, down on the right with the wee blue table...
My best pal
Christi Sobel was down the way....don't YOU want those hand painted shoes...or the cute kid who could wear them?