The wife comes home from work Tuesday:
"I ran into JV and she was coming out of the cafe with this big piece of chocolate bread with chocolate chips and I was thinking 'I want some of that!'"
It happens to be somebody's birthday this week, so you know, I am alert to the desires and whims of the birthday girl and secretly look up chocolate bread. I have never had it or seen it, have you?
SO, I spend a little time looking around and come up with an awesome and easy chocolate yeast bread recipe, which I fiddle with and adjust and add chocolate chips to ***
and it is...magnificent. The bread is also so easy to make I was like "drop the chocolate and try it as a plain wheat bread???" which was ALSO magnificent.
OK, but then, later Wednesday, the wife gets home? And she loves it!
But then she describes what her friend had further...and I realize she is describing not the yeast bread I had made, BUT a sweet quick bread. Which looks and sounds a lot like cake....
MORE ON THAT FRIDAY when we go to CHOCOLATE BREAD day 2...but for now....
