You will recall (how can you forget?) that I sported the monster 'stache for ten years, about '93-2003. I was a high school teacher in the mid-90s and the rotten little twits compared me to Ned Flanders when to ME it was all about Magnum PI. Anyway, makes an amusing pottery subject, eh wot?
In other news, fired a glaze load, before and after below.....

Speaking of famous mustaches....
Definitely Magnum...a heart throb through some tough times. (I watched one about a month ago and gagged, just to show my standards have "matured" with the rest of me). Love the brows which remind me of the Marx bros.
Looks like Buster had a definite opinion. He's smiling so I assume he approved.
Groucho Mugs! they need glasses! that'd be so neat
Please see:
Gary, I am sure that you were very confident in your manhood with or without a mustache...
Great mugs!!!
I am wondering where you parked your lamborghini.
Or was it a Ferrari?
The stach is pretty cool!!!!
I thought Groucho mugs too!
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