Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

the last day of.....

WINTER.  Sure.  15 degrees and snowing out there now, and all week.  Yesterday midday it stopped long enough for all the snow to melt, sunny and warm, crazy March....not at all unusual, but, well, you do start to wish it would really and truly get warm!

I have a favorite winter hat.  It is my only winter baseball cap--because in winter, by its very nature, it is usually too COLD to wear a baseball cap, and I usually have a woolen hat AND hood.  But on winter days that are mild, this is my favorite!  You will be unsurprised to see that it has a dog playing in snow on it.
That thing goes into the CLOSET TODAY dangit, winter BEGONE!  Of course, there are what, 9? 12? baseball caps I wear in warmer weather....

This is the NWS graphic for Ithaca, no joke!

Chance Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 40%
High: 36 °F
Chance Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 40%
Low: 15 °F
Chance Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 50%
High: 31 °F
Snow Likely Chance for Measurable Precipitation 70%
Low: 23 °F
Chance Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 50%
High: 36 °F

In other news, Janet asks "I need a shark bowl for Ralphy, and could you make a shiba coffee cone filter and all???" Pottery by Gary Rith.


Shortstuff said...

Brrrr! I'm ready for Spring here, too, and we don't get nearly the amount of snow that you do. Be warm.

Sandra Kohlmann said...

In Green Bay, the high is 18 degrees today. Not very spring like. Of course, this day last year it was 80 degrees. Crazy. I've stopped paying attention to weather reports. We had a good four snowstorm predictions this year, calling for 6+ inches of snow, all of which turned out to be nothing. Meanwhile, they called for 2-3 inches on Monday and by Tuesday morning, 6 inches had fallen. Now I get my weather by looking out the window and checking our outdoor thermometer. I am definitely ready for a real spring, and then some warm summer weather!

Barbara Rogers said...

The only certain about today is that we've 12 hours of daylight (I almost said sunlight) and 12 hours of dark.

Lori Buff said...

Yikes that's cold. Better snuggle with Penny to keep warm.

smartcat said...

Well, the sun is out here so I guess that's something after so many gray days I lost count. Though it's cold enough to stay inside and be cozy.

I hope you didn't put away all those winter hats!

cookingwithgas said...

me and the snakes are going for this spring weather. And the frogs are all singing love songs.

Vicki Wenderlich said...

Wow another 5 days of snow??

We have to block off our sunroom with plastic in winter because it's not insulated (why it doesn't have a door I have no idea - you'd have to ask the previous owners), but it's our favorite room in the house so we miss it!

smalltownme said...

Janet got some cool stuff there!

Momma Fargo said...

Yep. We are down 60 degrees normal from last year. brrrr is an understatement. LOL

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.