Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"I don't do anything, I just follow my dog around"

If you are an introvert, the shy and quiet type as I am, going out and meeting crowds of new people is something to avoid.  LUCKILY with my wee little princess of a beagle Penny, she is a total EXTRAVERT.  She drags me around to meet all kinds of strangers...

Pictures below show Penny the therapy dog visiting Longview senior center on Wednesday.  We have a good routine there, she jumps into some laps, and sometimes I pick her up for people standing with walkers and other times I hold her front legs up so someone in a wheelchair can reach her.  We have become pretty adept at doing what Penny does best sharing the love and kisses...

Wednesday was also her first visit to hospice.  I told you in the fall we are adding hospice visits.  It is a whole different ballgame.  I visited hospice with Penny so that she could look around and see what she thinks, and the same with hospice and US.  I have no experience with end of life, NONE.  I have never even been to a funeral, and their question is "why do you want to come here?".  My feeling is that death gives meaning to life.  And Penny has a wealth of affection to share with anybody who wants it. The visit was very successful, and now they do a background check and I spend the next several weeks in hours of classes and preparation, with various shots and doctor's visits.  That is for ME, just so I can volunteer! Anybody residing in hospice care's facility is in their last chapter.

Several years ago when my cat Sammy was in his last day, he climbed onto a window sill and was staring at the sun.  You could see he was saying goodbye to it.  It made you cry.
Yesterday as I was leaving hospice a resident in a wheelchair was sitting just outside the front door (it was VERY cold with some blowing snow) staring at the sun.  I did not bother them, but they were staring at the sun, perhaps saying goodbye....


jean said...

Gary, thank you for doing this. Just thanks.

Shortstuff said...

What a nice post. This is a good thing you're doing Gary. Kudos to you and give Miss Penny a hug and a scratch from me. It's a gift and I'm sure a welcome change from the usual for those folks.

Barbara Rogers said...

You're a good man, Charlie Brown. Don't know why I said that, but there is something about him in you!

klineola said...

you are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Such caring hearts you and Penny have.
Hospice workers are the best kind of human beings!
My dear neighbor at the end of her life told me she wasn't afraid of dying she was afraid of the journey to get there. Visits from her dog Coco helped her so much.
Thanks for doing this.


Emily SIL said...

I am so glad you and Penny are doing this. Animals have a way of cheering people up, or at least, distracting them from the moment. Thank you, Gary, and Thank you, Penny!

knittergran said...

You are a good man. You can say it's all about Miss Penny, but we know better.

Lori Buff said...

Sometimes stepping out of our comfort zone can make other people tremendously happy. It seems like you and Penny are simply naturals at making people happy.

smartcat said...

Penny is Pure Precious Pup! This is a good, great thing you and she are doing.

When my darling partner P. was dying, hospice made his last days a time of peace and comfort. I, alas, have been to too many funerals.

I was over on lolcats today and found Nook's "brother". See what you think

Michèle Hastings said...

You and Penny are doing a wonderful thing.

Darlene said...

You can bet it makes a difference! So sweet :)
Bless you both

Hilary said...

What a beautiful post, Gary. Good for you and Penny.

Anonymous said...

What you are both doing is truly wonderful. A beautiful post that made me cry.

Kimberly said...

Wonderful post Gary..Penny has found her groove.

Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen said...

This is good. You are good. So is Penny.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I'm feeling teary from reading this post. As you know, people whom I loved have died. The last one was just 2 months ago, and I was there in the hospital hospice room during much of his last week, and I was there when he breathed his last breath.
When he was still at home, the family's 1yo dog was different with him than the rest of the family... she was calm and watchful, staying gently near his side.
Hospice is all about comfort and living well while dying. Having the joy and love of Penny is good stuff. I'm so glad you & Penny are doing this.

red dirt girl said...

Perhaps they are saying goodbye to the sun .....

That is so poetic, Gary. Beautiful.

Thank you for sharing.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Penny is awesome. Love the sun staring sentiment; so sweet.

Tabor said...

i have a friend who does this. she takes her dog to the retirement home and those who are bedridden do seem to love it.

June said...

What a wonderful thing to do. Nobody spreads love like a happy sociable dog. And in the end, what's the most important thing? Love.

TexWisGirl said...

bless you and your sweet little penny. came over from hilary's to say congratulations on your POTW and got a heart expansion for myself...

Hilary said...

I often think my Roy boy would do that well.
It's wonderful to see.
And you're right, I would want to say goodbye to the sun, too.

Lili said...

Just reading your sentiment about your Sammy saying goodbye to the sun got me a little misty eyed. Visiting from Hilary's recommended POTW and so glad I did. Oh and I think your pottery is very cool.

Sandi McBride said...

First of all, congratulations on Post of the Week...and on your work, and on having the good sense to have an extravert dog...and on loving are a well rounded man with a great heart...glad I dropped by...and I will be back

Kerry said...

How cool of you to do this, and it sounds like Penny is perfect for the job. Many dogs don't make good therapy dogs, but she's a natural!

Your pottery is beautiful.

~ Sil in Corea said...

You're a good pair, a therapy dog and her therapy person. Thanks a lot for being you!
~ Sil in Corea

My Maine Blog said...

Such a sweet and kind man you are. You have a beautiful heart to spend your time with the elderly and to bring them some sunshine and doggie hugs and kisses. Your story made me cry and gave me hope that there are many more of you out there doing what you are doing. You are an awesome example of humankind and you have restored my faith today.

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.