Last night we went out to the cinema for a showing of a 50 year old classic, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD with Gregory Peck. Fantastic, one of the best movies ever made perhaps, and CERTAINLY ONE OF THE BEST ACTORS ever, Gregory Peck! He won an Oscar for his performance in that portrayal of decency against cruelty, brutality, lies and ignorance.
Peck did wonderful movies like ROMAN HOLIDAY with Audrey Hepburn, which is probably my favorite all time movie....although Audrey Hepburn's LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON would be close or CHARADE which she did with wonderful and admirable Cary Grant, although his TO CATCH A THIEF with Grace Kelly is my favorite of his....or one of them....
OK, for today let's say my favorite movie of all time is ROMAN HOLIDAY, with favorites Hepburn and Peck and ITALY and ROME and art and love and romance....... :)
What is your favorite movie of all time???? GO TO COMMENTS and and tell us why!
THE ORIGINAL romantic scooter shot, often copied....
below, court scene in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD...
In other news, the wife gets the shot of me testing a coffee cone filter I made, fresh out of the kiln Sunday! It sits atop the cup, you pour boiling water into the filter full of coffee in there, it drips down.... that is a lot of pigs, you are saying to yourself.....

"Army of Darkness" with Bruce Campbell is the best "B" flick ever!
I have a lot of favorites! The one I saw most recently was The Princess Bride.
I have a very hard time deciding my favorite movie. Today it might be When Harry Met Sally, The Life Aquatic, and Breaking Away. If you ask me tomorrow, I'll probably give you another, completely different list.
Are you selling those cone filters in your shop? My husband MUST have one.
I'm not sure I could pick just one, I can't pick a favorite song or book either.
Watching LOTS of movies while sitting at home coughing. A Fish Called Wanda is my favorite for today.
quite possibly it's Harold and Maude! The soundtrack alone is awesome ... saw this when I was 14...a substitute english teacher took the whole class!
Gone with the Wind, or An Affair to Remember, or Room with a View.
So hard to pick just one but I'm going with Singing in the Rain.
I do love To Kill A Mockingbird also but the one movie I can watch over and over again is Princess Bride.
In my current mood and mode, it would be "Mamma Mia" (for the music and the beautiful, warm, sunny Greek islands) followed by "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" which always makes me feel better about humanity and wanting to enjoy spending time with extended family (even if they aren't as fun and crazy as Toula's Greek family).
OPA!! :)
Last year I read "To Kill a Mockingbird" again, and then we got the movie from Netflix. Excellent!!!
My all time favorite movie is "Bridges of Madison County" ... I cry at the end every time.
Will you hate me if I tell you I have not watched Roman Holiday?? Sorry.
Argo was good...and only because I knew it was a true story.
My favorite movies are all chick flicks. Sixteen candles, Pretty in Pink, Dirty Dancing....and then there is ELF! Elf is my all time favorite. What does that say about me? I am a child!
Oh! I, too, love Roman Holiday. Strangely, you would probably love Silver Linings Playbook ... like Roman Holiday, it's a dramatic rom-com. It's lovely.
Claudia, Singin' in the Rain is one of my all-time favs as well!
Also? The original The Producers with Gene Wilder. That movie just broke open a whole new world of comedy for me.
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