OK, the first time the wife ever came over to my Chicago apartment? You see it below. The story goes like this: exactly 21 years ago in 1991 we were just friends and she came over and I made cookies and had her choose some to decorate. THAT is the picture down there. A year later? We got married. From zero to !!!!!!! in just 12 months! You know how it is, young love.....and if you can do basic math, you realize we are about to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary... You would marry this sweetie too, wouldn't you???? over and over again :) PS-on this visit? My cat Sammy liked her a lot...so much that he crawled into her skirt and barfed :)

That sounds like a really fun date, except the cat barfing. You all make a cute couple.
True love is when you marry the guy even if his cat barfed in your skirt while you were wearing it!
Also, that bowl of icing in the foreground looks very much like one of your glazes that you use on your pottery!
Twoo Wuv! Who can resist a man who bakes, or such a lovely woman?
Oh, that is too funny! I love that you took a picture of her, even though you were "just friends" at that point. I dated guys for 3 months and didn't take a single picture of them. It is awesome that you have the shot to remember that day.
lovely that you have this picture to document your first time hanging out at your home!
How fun that you have this photo from your first "date."
I think I've seen this pic--it's so cute especially because you could take the same one today. In fact . . . photo idea! Recreate it :)
Sammy was a sweetie huh?? LOL!!!
I love that you thought to capture the moment way back when....the heart knows what it wants!
Happy almost 20th!
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