You know I walk other dogs, my sideline to being a full time potter? Meet NOOK. Nook is an ultra-sweetie and Monday was our first day! Penny and I had been to the senior center so she could jump into as many laps as possible and share the looooove....and although I had figured I would take Penny home after being a therapy dog then go play with Nook, I wanted to try the 2 together, see what happened. Penny does not like most other dogs. She likes Nook :)
Way down, you see a lady in pink. She does not seem to talk and Penny and I see her every week. Her smile is enormous and she laughs and makes me laugh.

Well, some of us are just going to the dogs. Wonder what that really means (hope you aren't offended!)
What soulful eyes Nook has, she's beautiful.
You certainly live in s Sphere of Cute Dogs!
Therapy dogs for the WIN!! I hope my dad gets to pet the dog at his place.
Nook is such a lovely looking dog. I'm curious about its name... and how the owners possibly keep it so brilliantly white!
I know Nook is combed every day, and I think he is a Spitz!
You win in the cute dog category. First Soupy the neighbor corgi, then that new doodle Yogi, and now Nook! Of course, the always adorable Penny on the scene. This is getting ridiculous. I overflow with dog envy!
Aww sweet Penny. What a good deed she does.. and of course you do. You're a gem to bring her where she can create smiles.
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