Growing up outside of Buffalo andliving around the north all my life in places at least as cold and snowy as that famously snowy locale, I am NOT one of those crazy people who likes snow. People who like snow have never had a snowy Mother's day (more than once!) or Halloween (more than once!) and in between October and May snow up to their ears ALL THE TIME. I am not kidding when I talk about living in upstate NY, where 100-200 inches of snow is the AVERAGE.
Anyway, I have to admit, it has been a lovely warm fall, and we started to get snow Friday, and my holiday heart melted in its lovliness.....already we have a LOT more than what I pictured Friday, but for now....

bowl by Gary Rith
our back yard....there is a lot more snow down now
me with Nook at the water fall.....

The snow and flocked trees are beautiful. We get a fair amount of snow here, near Winnipeg. Mostly its COLD....above that this time of year we barely get eight hours of daylight. For me that's the toughest.
Happy Christmas to you and those you love.
I am enjoying your snow via the internet, seeing it on a computer screen works just fine for me!
All the snow is so pretty and magical. Nook is a happy little fellow.
Enjoy the snow!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Very pretty and it's not too much to slog through. You look like you're having fun with your four legged friends.
Your paper chain is wonderful, very nostalgic.
Going to school in the Southern Tier was bad enough but listening to Mom's stories of growing up in the snow belt were enough to help make the decision to move south.
We got a couple inches. That's about right. I'm so glad Korea is not as snowy as Maine. I hate to shovel! It's nearly as cold here, but I know to put my longies and wool socks on in November and keep wearing changes of those until April.
Have a very merry yule!
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