Judy tells me only one person is allowed to keep calling her Judy, ME, she left that name behind long ago....I have never been able to think of her as Judith, you know? So grown up sounding! But she is grown up. Maybe I am not. I like these 2 pics---above is my very oldest pal Judy the other day visiting us, lower is the 2 of us back in 1986. As I say in the posts below, she has been my pal since 1983 through thick and thin, and now she has brought her son to visit us and Cornell. Liam is the dude below, awesome young fellow I have known all his life. He has mad skillz and talents, but I think that he is more likely to go into chemical engineering than art.....

Me and the wife wish you a Happy Easter :)

Happy Easter! :)
Happy Easter to your family too.
Chemical engineering??? Sounds dangerous!!!
And a very Happy Easter to you and yours my friend!
It looks like you are already having a happy weekend - there are very few things better than a visit with friends!
Happy Easter to you and your family as well!
(P.S. - You and Judith have been friends longer than I have been alive :D )
Happy Easter to you all too!
Lucky are we that have life-long friends and family..Happy Easter to you and yours too, Gary.
may the easter beagle be very good to both you and maude!
Happy Easter backatcha!!!
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