(new vase by Gary Rith)
I don't think I have seen a sci-fi movie since I was 10 or 12....nope, none of the Star Wars, none of that. BUT before that age? I saw ALL the cheap horror and sci-fi TV could throw at me, and I loved it. Who needs higher-tech effects, the original Godzilla movie was PERFECT....
You gotta guess the Beastie Boys, being the same age as me, grew up on the same junky sci-fi movies on Saturday afternoon that I watched. This is THEIR tribute to junky sci-fi...
I know Godzilla was monstrous, but your little guys make me want to hold them and stroke them!
I feel sorry that you missed out on all the other sci-fi opportunities out there. And I missed all your inspirational Godzilla movies! Amazing. I'm a closet Trekie, and loved the Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents shows on B&W early TV. I never thought of putting their visual effects on pots though.
You would probably really like “Mystery Science Theater.”
Creature Double Feature! A saturday afternoon staple when the weather wasn't conducive to outdoor play.
The Blob! We must watch it!
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