You might live in LA, which according to my niece who lives there has PURPLE TREES in the spring. DANG, if it wasn't for the earthquakes, drought and ridiculous traffic, who wouldn't want to move to LA? Welll....
Yesterday was the end to our unusual 2-3 weeks of 70+ weather. Fall's OTHER SIDE: cold, grey, drizzly yesterday.... but I remarked that every season surprises you with its beauty, summer does not have a monopoly on it. So, you hear that fall colors have their peak, and we are in the middle of it :)

It's so nice when you have flowers outside to cut and make arrangements with... potters are so lucky to have a great selection of containers to put them in. The pitcher is lovely.
The flowers are JUST gorgeous. Today we could feel a bit of fall in the morning air and we LOVE it!
What beautiful dahlias and vase/pitcher. Great colors. Talented arranger, Ms."Tastycakes."
Hey Gary, Here in Northern Nevada, we're having a very mild Fall so far. High 70's and blue sky days. My favorite time of year.
Those big beautiful flowers look so pretty in your pitcher. Way nice.
Jacaranda trees!
You wife puts together a lovely bouquet. You put together a lovely bouquet holder.
And it's soup season!
The Jacaranda trees are purple and glorious. But you don't need to move to LA for floral glory. Maude's floral arrangements in Gary's vases? Second to none.
Fall! We had one day of it in Florida where it got below 80. It was heavenly! I miss the changing leaves. Gorgeous pitcher and flowers!
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