WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
I love corgi's... if I ever have another dog that's what I want! So cute.
Those two are cute together. Matching coat patterns!
I think the picture of Penny in the header should be placed in the dictionary under the word "Bliss".
Between your pottery with animals, and the ones you have around you, Gary Rith has become another word for CUTE!
I just saw a Beagle/Corgie mix that was looking for a forever home. What a cute pup.
It's only 8 am but I'm sure this is going to be the cutest thing I will see all day.
They are so adorable together. It seems we both focused on the pooches today. :)
Corgis are awesome! One of my favorite breeds. I love that Soupy and Penny sort of match. :)
My computer about fritzed out from cuteness overload, Gary.
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