Well actually it is TWO WEEKS until my open studio here! October 11-12, Saturday and Sunday 11-5! email me garyrith@yahoo.com to get directions and more info. And surely I realize Christmas is ...gasp....3 MONTHS from now! But not in my dreams.... I have been dreaming of snow every night for the last couple of weeks.... I am not especially fond of snow. I live in a place, and you need to realize I have ALWAYS lived in places like this, where the snow can pile up taller than your head. Snow is not a pretty Hallmark Card or rom-com (I do LOVE LOVE, ACTUALLY though...) but a serious nuisance starting in October and ending in May. So why dream of it???
WELL, dreaming last night it was fun. A cheerful week before Christmas, only light snow and ice, and with a group of friends we took bikes and skateboards downtown to open a few friend presents outside a bar and have a cheerful little party.... made me feel all holiday spirit and all.
ANYWAY, lately making a lot of vases. I am holding the 2 blue ones to give you an idea of size--they are pretty big, for me.... have an awesome weekend!

(new pottery by Gary Rith)
I try not to think about Christmas... or snow :-)
I'm impressed with the big blue vases! Big is ok also, sometimes.
One of these days, I'm going to show up at your open house. Just you wait! :)
Merry Vases!
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