I get a phone call the other morning from my rotton French sock monkey Georges Le Soq who is down at the police station, under arrest. I wonder if he was partying with Charlie again...but NO, not this time, he tells me had a date with Lindsey L0han...and things got a little out of hand....
Q-Georges, good GOD what now?
A-mon ami, at least she is over 21....
Q-yeah, but Georges, what about here at home, I thought you were making a play for Winnie the bear?
A-well, we keep this between us gentlemen, oui?
Q-mmmmm, maybe, but it will cost you...
A- I have champagne, I give you some, no?
Q-mmm....alright....anyway, Georges, what did you get arrested for?
A--ees my library books! They tell me ees overdue!
Q-oh Georges.....
Stay tuned--will Georges be true to Winnie???? Should Winnie stay away from Georges???? he might have germs! (thanks once again to Kasey for the awesome photo work!)
Winnie has such a forgiving heart.
I bet he has diseases. I mean, Lindsey!!! Sheesh. Beware, Winnie. Georges is a good chef, but he's also bad news. Go for the good bear with a big heart.
LOL LOL I think Georges should date "Snooki" also...lol lol :) Now that broad is truly from another planet...lol :) Poor Winnie, if she only knew....! I was curious myself when I found out that Babs Butternut knew Georges also. Poor Stan, thank God he never knew the truth...lol :)
Tell Winnie that Georges has "a trip to the clinic" written all over him. I think he is into the nose candy too.
I have a feeling Winnie is no saint. You don't end up in the gutter being a good bear.
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