When you visit Cooperstown, as we have done 4 times in the last few months, you are thinking "except for the millions of tourists and maybe a little too much baseball crap, this is probably the PRETTIEST TOWN in the United States." In the middle of all these big hills with this big pretty lake and the nicest houses and buildings, beautifully kept up. Just wonderful. About 100 long hilly miles from home, 2+ hour drive each way.
Cooperstown seems to like me. In August I was asked to be in the NY state vessel invitational at the Cooperstown Art Association, then they asked me to join their Christmas thing, which is why we were there yesterday with 42 pots, and I got a message Friday from a Cooperstown store asking if I would show there in the future, and I was like HECK YEAH and "we can stop in, glad to you contacted us BEFORE we visited and not next week". Nice coincidence. As the wife says, knowingly, "there is MONEY in Cooperstown" which is where you want your pots to be....
So, you know, we drive over with the cute little beagle, deliver the pots, go to a meeting at this new potential store...and find this Swedish bear in the gutter....it was pretty wet and dirty, laundered now and clean smelling, drying over the heater.....
(below, the wife in front of the baseball museum with Penny and the bear)
A bear in the GUTTER?! Some little kid probably chucked it out the window and their Mom wouldn't turn around to go get it. Are you going to name him Sven? :)
HECK YEAH! Follow the money! Sounds like Cooperstown is an awesome place full of people and visitors who will appreciate your work. Awesome!
Her name = Winnie (now!), but you have to imagine it pronounced like the Swedish chef would say it: Hwin-nee :)
Love the cow mugs! Family in from Georgia and they loved all my Rith pottery! ;-)
Cute bear. It was meant to be that you were in a town not your own and were given the gift of the cute bear. Wonder what Georges thinks of Winnie.
that s a lucky bear- to find a good home and somewhere there is a two year old's mother thinking- I know we took the bear with us...
So proud of you showing in Cooperstown! I wonder what sort of trouble Winnie and Georges will get into...
Dear Reverend Awesome,
Some questions are better left unasked. She has her arms around Rumpole the bear. He should be a good influence but you never know . . .
So glad you get to show your pottery in such a wonderful place. It deserves to be viewed by everyone. Really great pots cousin. Love the Winnie bear find! lol lol :) Really cute little bear. Bet it has a billion stories to tell...lol Maybe Winnie will tell Georges in secret so then Georges can share her stories....Great Blog! :)
I'll bet Winnie is happy in her new home!
I'll bet Winnie is happy in her new home!
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