(teapots by Gary Rith)
Extremes? These 2 teapots here! OTHER EXTREMES? For the first time ever, Spike cat is allowed free reign over my studio, read the haiku down there to see why....
A mouse in my spice
Drawer! The tail disappears
As I open it...
Drawer! The tail disappears
As I open it...
Spike cat, my hero,
Has been watching, waiting to
Slice and dice its ass...
Has been watching, waiting to
Slice and dice its ass...

Dynamite teapots! How much do they hold?
Mice in the studio?! EEEEKKK!
Have a great weekend....are you expecting deep frost? We are.
Super horrible deep frost, 27 degrees tonight! Smaller teapot holds very little and was the first, which is why I made the second one!
I love the attitude of these teapots.
Go Spike, go!
Love these teapots. They look like something Dr. Seuss would like!
Mmmmmm Spicy Mice. Get him, Spike.
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