OK, so I cleaned the studio bathroom for the first time in....6 and a half years. ICK. The area behind the terlet???? Let's just call THAT the Bermuda triangle....bleg. I need servants, right? but it is ME, I am the househusband. I also made so much potato salad the fridge is bursting, banana mufffins with blueberries and applesauce pie with blueberries (see below! I have a lot of blueberries don't I????).
There is a party Friday HERE. I need to make a couple more salads in the morning, but we are in good shape here. As long as the septic tank holds up....and the well water. This is the country, and well, sh!t happens, sadly, and it HAS happened....BTW as soon as Mrs G goes, I have a boatload of cousins visiting, oh boy!
Check Spike down below AFTER I put the sign on Mrs G's room....

I love the mug and I'm sure Mrs. G will love it to pieces. You sure are a great host, Gary. All that cooking AND cleaning. I am very impressed. I hope you have a fantastic party. Looking forward to following along on your blog. Have fun!!
how lucky you are to have Mrs. G stay with you on her tour! And how lucky of Mrs. G to have the opportunity to meet my favorite potter! Enjoy!
Love the mug, that is awesome!
Cool mug! And that pie? tart?.....whatever, I wants it!
Speak to me not of wells running dry or septic systems backing up in january. The joys of home owning!
Have a wonderful time with Mrs. G. Assume there will be many pictures.
Spike looks very comfy...so nice that you fixed a bed especially for him!
Looking good over there. Have an ace time :-)
Yup. This just seals it....Gary is the coolest cat of them all!
What a wonderful host you are! and you made her her very own mug! well done Gary, well done.
You are the best host ever!!!! I can't wait to see the photos. Fingers crossed that your septic holds up...been there done that. :)
you are really going all out, i want a cookie please! Have a super grand time!
looks like you are ready to party!
Mrs. G. is no more an ax murderer than I am... and I'm pretty sure you know I'm not an ax murderer. Better yet, she isn't bringing 5 guys with her -- only Johnny Depp and Kitty Gigantica (which, I hope you agree, is an awesome folk art painting. I want to adopt it).
HAVE FUN!!! I so wish I could be there, too!
*brrrp* let's just say that some fun is being had ;)
Gary, you are the coolest! I can vouch for Mrs. G. Not being an axe murderer - she didn't attempt to off me, at least. Have a great time
I'ma be even jealouser if Mrs. G gets to sleep with Spike. Cookies, scones, pie, AND Spike? No fair!
Jen H
Where on earth did you get that Godzilla shirt?!? That's cool!
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