(above, dude visiting next door showing a mile of, well, _______....and Georges Le Soq, my rotten French sock monkey, being vulgar and offending the cat)
Gary's Third Pottery Blog
When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
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Me and Missus Tastycakes
ME, the TV interview :)
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Blog Archive
- it all started when....
- you probably wanted to know what our living room l...
- Chuck and the fierce beagle......
- Monnnnnnnday!
- REdefining ADORable....
- partying with Benji, Erin, the wife and.....
- a boatload once again.....
- Soupy? Soupie?? Soupey??? Soopie????
- adorable alert: BEAGLES and BLACK coffee...
- must have been Monday, if everything was gonna bre...
- so much to see....
- and a happy father's day to you too!
- more fun with planking!!!!!
- painting the beagle...
- things you don't want to see.....
- the owl and the pussycat and the zombie
- KILLER beagle.....
- burning down the house....
- when pigs fly....
- the wife and the ass.....
- mustache mug.......
- funky punky monkey junk
- SNOW in June
- the wife returns and more wildlife.....
- car jar!
- Penny and the ENORMOUS...DOG?
- the story of the PINK SOAP dish and partying whils...
- the wife will be on the road wondering WTF I have ...
- "I forget I am married to a star"
- SNAKE no more.......
- June 1.................
About Me
- Gary's third pottery blog
- I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.
great, now I have to go pluck out my eyes... grumble...its always something else to add to the list...
I teach at a community studio, sometimes we have a row of this. You learn not to look.
What's wrong with seeing the moon?
Oh, I thought you were going to say: YOUR MIND!!!!
I've lost that, but I still have my pants. :)
I think Georges is in need of some butt cream. Maybe that other guy too.
i feel these two events are somehow connected, might be a plot in the works Gary. Look out, that monkey is up to no good
Everyone, put your butts away! I was doing a slideshow video last night for someone and he gave me pictures of him and his ladyfriend. One picture was her in a thong standing in front of a mirror. So, I saw her butt. All of it, pretty much. Would she be okay with strangers seeing this picture? I don't know, but I did and so did Scott. And a lady here at work...
I hear everyone. God I hate that too! bleew yuck! I mean seriously, how stupid are these people anyway! Oh I hate those thong suits...ugh! Have a old guy on the highway always roller skating up and down his driveway with a thong suit on. eewwwwww!
i was thinking about goerges last night (don't ask me why...) and wondering what he has been up to. now i know.
SPIKE!! Avert your eyes! Sacre bleu!
I had this happen in a classroom the other day--I could only sputter something to the effect of "You might want to pull your pants up higher." Aside--why is never someone whose ass might be marginally attractive?
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