There was a radio ad campaign in Boston years ago, and they would say nonsense sentences, like funky punky monkey junk. Doesn't mean anything :)
We have cousins visiting, we went to Bandwagon Brew Pub and we are certain to have many more adventures today......these cousins are friends with Sonic Youth, can you believe it? How cool is that? ROCK ON.

That head in the yogurt container trick that Penny is pulling is SO much like something her cyber-pal, Benny would do. Cute shots.
Your shirt is way rad! Of course, so is the robot mug.
Penny is non-stop delightful.
What's going on in that shot of you with the mug? Morning after too much time spent at the Brew Pub???
That shot of "the wife" is extra fetching. Very nice!
In Nashville, with the Big Bison working in the music biz, we have brushes with greatness fairly often. It's pretty fun.
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