Seriously, I dream all night about SNAKES, and I don't like snakes, and then I cannot get any of my pics to load. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr.....
I will try later to load all that, I have a totally cool post in process, movies too!
In the meantime, weekend plans: my Frolicsome Friday includes happy hour at the Chapterhouse later followed by poker with Chris and Terri Anne and a bunch of their disreputable friends and tomorrow a trip for supplies and maybe see Wendy too....
Alright: how does your weekend look?
Gary's Third Pottery Blog
When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
Friday, November 13, 2009
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Me and Missus Tastycakes
ME, the TV interview :)
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Blog Archive
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- so in love
- witch bottle
- guntshots at 12:45?
- DIG IT: open studio today and Saturday and what's...
- I love to work and make piggy bottoms and....
- Flight of the Conchords and the hair gel...
- the Gallows and then some...
- and I say ROCK ON
- I don't want to be a killjoy, but:
- BAMF of the week: Jim drove 12 hours to see me, y...
- mystery glaze...
- ho ho ho!
- Its a nasty world sometimes, isn't it?
- afternoon meet and greet and a Monday Monkey business
- a threesome on the couch
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- RAKU PARTY part one!
- punched out at 2 am....
- Partay to Partay, drinks with 3 chicks and my new ...
- beware the CAT
- pair of bowlies!
- BAMF of the week: Kasey Baker!
- field trip to Margy's......
- Memphis Blues......
- SHAGGY no more and Spike gets H!GH
- daaaaaaazed and......
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- Monday monkey business....
- Julie and Julia and Goofy Kim...
- more witchy bottles...
- witchy....
- we are SO BAD: a boatload of TOMS
- making teapots, THE MOVIE!!!!!!
- Friday the stinking 13th and Frolicsome Fridays
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- BAMF, a fun word, just like azzless chaps....
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- Monday Monkey Business
- le boxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- there's a mouse in my mug!
- flour power!
- there was a glitch, so here is a new blog
About Me
- Gary's third pottery blog
- I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.
tonight i have a dinner party. then it's a massage weekend. life is good.
Pep Rally and Football Game tonight. Trying out my new printer and photography tomorrow. A trip with Allen to Alfred on Sunday to look at colleges.
I also dream about snakes. A LOT. I don't mind them so much...we have one as a 'pet'.
My weekend? Who knows....I never really know until it happens. Have fun tonight!!
theres a link you might like on my blog gary, if you dare...
hey gallow, whats shakin
Going to look at a new kitty tomorrow. Breakfast w/ the boys on Sunday. A new job interview on Monday and hair appointment on Tuesday.
BTW - did I mention that I always have 4 day weekends...(snicker).
Ack.. no wonder I'm not seeing your posts.. I hadn't updated the link to you new blog.
Those snakes are probably hunting for the dream hamsters...
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