Like I said, I was over at the Ithaca Artist Market at the Farmer's Market yesterday evening….
The farmer's market in Ithaca is on the lakefront and is a large and wonderful permanent structure. It runs Saturdays and Sundays with the usual food, produce, and a bit of art. The last Friday in July is ALL art…and music and a lot of other things too, and the weather was magnificent, and I had the chance to see EVERYBODY. Keep in mind it snows here 11 months out of the year, and this gives us all a chance to take off the parkas and stroll about and see each other…. And oh goodness, the crowds were huge…one acquaintance told me she and her not too quick husband had parked in some distant spot and walked for nearly an hour to get in, NO JOKE.
This is totally the best event of the year.
Usually you think organizers place different artists together, but probably because we had all unknowingly asked for certain spots there was a pottery row…my old pals Owen Mann and Jill Ackerman were next to me, which, and this is my HIGHEST praise, was exceedingly congenial…Owen makes the big beautiful flowers, Jill the pots….both of them, as you see, have those turquoise-ish greenish glazes there that I would probably KILL to get for myself ;)