Immensely wonderful Christmas and Christmas eve here, hope that is true for you too.
I just ate a jam tart and slice of pumpkin pie and went for my daily 5k run....and nearly left the jam tart and pie behind in a ditch. I usually have a tiny bit of porridge before running because it is easy on the belly but gives enough fuel to move. "But it is Christmas!" sez I, gobbling up a big breakfast...it isn't the holidays if your stomach doesn't get to the breaking point, right? ;)
Yesterday I wrote 2 Christmas haikus, all TRUE!
Frog on Christmas day
Flattened on the roadside.
Wait, a frog on Christmas????
Dude walking pitbull
Christmas morning. My "hello!"
Gets me a scowl.
Upstate New York averages a near one hundred percent rate of white Christmasses (FACT! Look it up! Think of Buffalo a few weeks ago!) SO, temps in the 50s and frogs and FLOWERS popping open is an unusual Christmas sight...

Yep, no whiteness here in CT either, and it was colder back in NC mountains than here last night! Oh well, being here is great for me, though I miss my critters.
We've had a lovely, mild, brown Christmas. I'm okay with that. Next week there is a forecast high of 8 degrees. Yuck!
I'm finally catching up on blog reading. Glad you had a nice Christmas but sorry about the stomach. I poisoned myself (wheat...you'd think I'd learn) the other night so I feel (quite literally) your pain. Happy Belated Christmas and Happy New Year!
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