STRAWBERRIES. We live very near a strawberry farm which has no crop this year! The strawberry grapevine (tee hee!) has me and my friends wondering where to next: and we hear Indian Creek farm has them! You will recall Indian Creek is a small farm with EVERYTHING on Ithaca's west side (we live east, but that place is worth it indeed, it is SO cute and last year the only place protected enough to produce peaches).
But then I was thinking "I don't particularly like to pick strawberries BUT fresh strawberries are like NO other...and strawberry jam is a beautiful red delight". So, happiness all around todaY!
Quick question: blogging has been around 10-15 years, depending on how you count it, and I post at least once a day since 2006....but do you think it is dying out? Are there fewer bloggers now? Google reader is gone this week and I wonder if I will lose many of my readers.
This is what I think: blogging is NOT DEAD YET, but what next....?
Go to comments! What makes you happy today, and what about blogging and its near future?

I don't think that it is dying out - I think that Google is changing their priorities around a bit. I now use Feedly - it's a bit different from Reader but I'm getting used to it.
Booo... Blogger ate my first comment...
Basically it said that I don't think that blogging is dying out - I just think that Google has changed their priorities.
I now use Feedly - It's definitely different than Reader but I still get my daily feeds...
The sun is shining today, and that make me happy!
It does seem like many of the blogs I read don't post as often anymore and that makes me a little sad. As for google reader, I always thought about using it but never did, so I guess I won't miss it... unless it means we will have fewer readers.
Time will tell.
I agree with Tonya Lynn. I think it is just changing. Sometimes I change with it, sometimes I plant my feet. LOL. Fresh strawberries are the best! Yummy! Have a great day!
This might sound "unctuous", but reading your blog and having a nice coffee in the morning has become part of my routine. That makes me happy. Lots of other things do as well--I'm more likely to notice them when it's not winter:) I didn't pay attention about the end of Google reader so I wonder how I'll find blogs to read and write the one I write?
I don't hope Blogger is dying, - I won't let go without a battle first.
What's makes me glad today?
My chickens running around my garden, eating bugs, slugs and other creepy crawlers. So funny to watch :-)
I haven't blogged much at all...probably for close to a year. I am thinking however of blogging about the upcoming nuptials of two of my three children. Not only did both couples become engaged to their high school sweethearts BUT they have decided to wed a week apart...I need to blog to vent as MOTB and MOTG! I so enjoy your posts Gary and today I am very happy to see the photo of you and Spike, it almost looks as if you are holding Spike up with one hand!
Rumor has it that one of the medium-sized blogging sites,, is going belly-up in mid-July. My Xanga-using friends are trying to rescue their photos and other work before then. We're sharing our e-mail addys. There is a lot shaking up the blogiverse.
My dog had knee surgery last week and is finally feeling much better, that is making me happy today.
I don't think blogging will die just yet but I think photo blogging (tumbler, Pinterest, Instagram,...) are all the new wave.
I'm going to keep reading your blog.
Summer makes me happy....and just about anything that goes with it.
I hope blogs aren't going away. I don't see a lot of people in real life. Blogging keeps me connected to the world in one shape or another. Perhaps the blogger who feel the need to give immediate updates of their lives are happier on Twitter and photo blogs.
I'm happy to see that Spike is keeping up his HelperCat credentials!
Happiness today was fresh strawberries from my garden (that my husband picked for me -- SCORE!!) in my oatmeal bowl (made by GARY!!)
Blogging was a fad for a while, and I think the faddies have gotten bored and left (sadly, some wonderful bloggers also left for the ease of facebook or the difficulties of life). However, blogging is not going away!
BOOOOOOO to Google Reader dumping us out of the truck. I'm using Feedly now but with a new part-time job I have less time for blogging. I play catch-up when I can.
I'm happy because its my birthday (60!!!) and it is dry and sunny for a change.
I'm sticking to blogging..other things seem to come and go.
I think a lot of bloggers are just too lazy to post anymore....they do the facebook thing. Lazy Lazy Lazy.
My comments are way down as well.
What makes me happy? Well, there is not enough room here. LOL
Oh, I'm using bloglovin'.com as my new reader. It is pretty good compared to google reader.
I have gotten accustomed to Feedly, so that's fine.
I do blame FB and Twitter for the decline, but I think that there will always be diehard storytellers and life-chroniclers that stick to this form until a new longform platform comes along. I'd say blogging is down, but not out.
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