(NOW, selfie with cat on lap and selfie with wife in background. Yes, NOW. read what the screen says, I am typing this!)
selfie, according to an entry in urban dictionary:
When someone takes a picture of themselves looking ugly or funny and sends it to their friends to get them to laugh. People who do this are not trying to look good and usually don't. The typical selfie face involves a peace sign and duck face.
Let me spare you the duck face!
The wife goes out of town and here I am, taking pictures of myself.
Of course, you will have noticed, I am pretty good at taking pictures of myself even when she is around...the wife, hundreds of miles away, will see these and be like
"he got a haircut Friday...too short! And he hasn't combed it since!"
I do like it short, then I never have to comb it or think about it.
I don't think I look too bad here, though, AND I am trying to make the point, right?
LIKE OMFG how come nobody told me how easy and FUN it is to make corn chips in your own kitchen???????? Buzzfeed had this terrific article around May 5 for making your own corn tortillas and corn chips, but I only got to it Saturday.
What you need to know is this: in just a few minutes you can make hot and crispy chips that are better than the very best socks, if you know what I mean... (do men get old and embarrass themselves by getting more excited about FOOD than socks? WTF am I revealing here? better get back to the food...)
OK, what you need to know is this: (whoopsie, quick break to make the cat comfortable on my lap and take a pic...as you see at the top of this post...)
-preheat oven to 400
-take 16 corn tortillas (it was just me....2 seemed enough and was, with my leftover chili which I FINALLY finished after 4 days) and cut them into smiley faces KIDDING! little triangles
-brush a little oil on each side of the triangles, lay onto a cookie sheet and bake about 8-11 minutes--our oven is hot and 8 was exactly right
-pull out of oven and sprinkle with a little salt and also lime juice if you want, let stand cooling to become more crisp! I ate them hot and crispy alright, HOLY CATS!

In other news, one last selfie--all these elephant items came out of the kiln and I had this clever idea, all of them lined up with me...not such a great pic, but anyway, have a great Sunday!

Brilliant Gary, thank you! I have a coveted stash of masa flour here in Germany AND a tortilla press but I always thought you had to deep fry tortilla chips, which definitely turned me off. Am going to try this with some lime asap.
Um....Gary, maybe you've been alone too long?
The hot oven? 350, 400, 450 degrees? Please advise.
Have a good day.
Gary, did you add the temp. Or did I miss it? Please tell me you added it, because missing it ( after reading three times) really makes me feel old.
I will try these. I've never baked them, only fried in some oil in a pan.
That's quite a herd you have there. Is there a leader?
Make your own corn chips is a great idea! I've made chips from wraps, never thought of corn chips. BTW have you ever made corn tortillas? Just askin'.
You always get such great photos of yourself; mine always come out with me looking slightly demented.
Speaking of demented I saw a great Grumpy Cat photo over on lolcats. I'll try to dig it out.
These are tastier and less oily and more crispy than in a frying pan, and Albug, the link for the original recipe is there, plus, like I say in fairly big print for those of us like me with reading glasses is "preheat to 400".
but perhaps preheat to 400 is not clear, now that I think of it---doesn't that usually mean "also bake at 400 unless I tell you something else"? :)
Stampede of herd of elephants! And blue no less...glad none are pink, or did you sell all those? Or did I just dream them? Yummy tortilla chips.
Oh yum! And they would be perfect, the key ingredient, with a bowl of spicy tortilla soup!
I bet those tasted good.
And thanks for sparing us the duckface!
Sweet pots, and tasty foods!
As you can see by all of my comments today, I got woefully behind in blob reading last week. I've been wanting to buy a tortilla press to make my own corn tortillas. This might be just the inspiration I need.
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