The wife makes the bed and so, when she leaves town? The cat, the dog and I end up in this tangled mess of a bed that gets worse every day....because I am a creature of habit! The wife will return from partying with the cousins out of town and likely have a big job in front of her...
Let's talk mugs here...and have an awesome Saturday!

Those are some mugs! It always makes me smile when I see your little critters nestled into the handle and cup.
Bring joy to Missus Tastycakes's heart and make the bed!
With mugs like these, who cares about sheets!
I don't make the bed sometimes when my husband IS in town. A combination of Adult ADHD (or something) and the fact that I don't want to. Weirdly, I don't know why I give it even one thought; I don't think husband even cares--or possibly even notices.
Cleaning is boring. You said it!
I think most people would say they're bad at housework and it's boring! Lol.
Love the mugs! (Hate cleaning too.)
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