Yogi was visiting Saturday. Penny went up to him, tail wagging, and gave him a BIG KISS..then they were playing in our yard...while the wife was gardening....they had to help....
You will notice Yogi has that awesome rasta fur coat. I am reminded, today as we reach 90+ degrees, of a favorite reggae song I loved as a teen and heard again on the radio this week "96 degrees in the shade...real hot in the shade..." this is an AWESOME tune and performance, just love reggae...

Fun song. Great post. Love those pups! Stay cool.
Yogi and Penny are quite the duo. Love the picture when Yogi's practically airborne! Liked the tunes as well.
and you get paid to love all these pets, it doesn't get any better than that!
An adorable romp!
They're so cute together. That fur must be awfully warn in this weather.
Hey, Gary! I know it's been a long while, but I have been overcome by life, and by spam.
Penny and her playmate Yogi are adorable!
That is a great tune....and it fits our summer here perfectly. Love seeing the dogs playing together, but I doubt how much help they were in the garden. :)
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