(the last of the sunflowers I have grown, behind them growing wild is a huge bunch of woodland sunflowers which will keep us happy awhile)
The wife was out of town for the weekend partying with the sisters...I was home LABORING. Goldarn, hot as it is, time to think CHRISTMAS! Every retailer hits the ground running this time of year, and I am wicked busy (plus, of course, moonlighting as a everybody's GO TO PET WIZARD).
Speaking of hot, we have had the hottest days of our summer in these last 2 weeks. I mentioned this to a Kansas City friend: "it has been hot here...considering what we are used to, in the 80s, almost 90" and the reply was
"sissies!". Yes. It is true. Hot for us is normal, even nice, to most people in the USA.
ANYWAY, the orders come in, pots go out....here is some before and after with a few of things I was finishing yesterday...have a great day yourself!

How lovely, a work table loaded with pots! It has been cool at night, and bearably nice in daytime. Love the piggies!
Oh yay! Can't wait to see the new stuff. Love your flowers!
Labor day is definitely "labor" day for potters. No picnics and barbecues for us!
Nice work, you definitely got a lot accomplished.
You've been a busy bee! LOVE those sunflowers; so cheery.
good to have work AND sales!
Enjoy the flowers !! xx
I always love the before and after pottery photos. Those are some nice looking bowls!
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