(Yogi and our Penny)
I was telling Kiko's mom yesterday as Yogi and Kiko did laps around the yard and I snapped a series of motion shots "in the last couple of years I have taken over 15,000 photos, I have kept 7,000 on the hard drive, and deleted so many more! maybe there were 20,000 pictures..."
The object with something like this is to snap away blindly, because the dogs are so fast and sometimes you capture something awesome....
I now have an open invitation to bring Yogi over to Kiko's ANYTIME, the 2 play together so wonderfully!

Great photo journalist of canine actions!
I looked in my photos folder on my external hard drive and saw it contained 25,000+ files. Then I realized I had not copied over the last 3 years of pictures. So there's another 8500 or so loading up. They go back to 2002 when I first got a digital camera, plus anything I have scanned since them. All on a device the size of my hand. Awesome!
Yogi always looks so happy romping about. Ears indicating great speed! .
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