Brattleboro is the GROOVIEST. This pic of the wife is around the side of the inn, looking at the old buildings across the street and the Connecticut River and New Hampshire behind....we lived in Chicago then in 1993, but moved to New Hampshire shortly thereafter because we loved this visit so much....

In other news, beofre and after with a glaze firing....still super hot inside, but looking good, eh? 2200 degrees in 24 hours!

FINALLY, Yogi was visiting Monday while I babysat him....he was like "I wanna go in and play with Spike!" and Spike was at the door "let Yogi in!!!!!!!"

I think Yogi is so cute, and full of puppy energy. I couldn't handle that big a ball of zoom! Glad you sit for him...does he wear you out anytime?
The old friends are the special ones, aren't they? I'm digging that polka-dot scheme you've got in the kiln.
Nice before and after shots.
Vermont and New Hampshire have some really cool places. Just too much snow.
We've talked about visiting Vermont and I'd like to check our the Center for Cartoon Studies at White River does seem like there are lots of very cool things happening in Vermont.
On other topics....I could see Yogi becoming a featured character on your pottery. Think he would take doggie treats as royalties for all that merchandizing?
I looked up that hotel and wow, what a cool place!
A trip where you fall in love with the place and move there has to be quite a trip!
Yogi is a great buddy. Wish we had a neighbor who needed a pup like that to be babysat.
Vermont and New Hampshire seem like very sweet and romantic states; perhaps I'll get there one day?
Your glaze amazes. :)
Yogi....gosh...he looks like he could be in one of those cute dog cartoons!
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