You will recall last week I showed a cookie jar I made with the first bear I have made on I made this bear with his teddy...a wall piece!

(sculpture by Gary Rith)
And like I was saying about those was a happy accident, honest! We didn't plan it!!!!

We made corn salsa for dinners....with avocado, then we made tortillas, HOLY CATS that is so perfect I think we gotta do it again for lunch and dinner TODAY!
Have an awesome Friday yerself!

That's a 'dorable bear with a teddy! I want to come and eat with you and Maude! Yummmmmm!
You're double cuddle trouble...and I don't mean the tee-shirts! One bear is cuddly...two know.
A sensitive caring man wears pastel t-shirts, collects teddy bears, and makes teddy bear sculptures! A couple weeks ago, Jeff and i were at the wood firing in Carthage and I realized we were both wearing NH Potters Guild t-shirts, mine in pink, his in teal. No one even noticed!
Great photos. I like how each bear has her/his own personality conveyed by the angle of eyes or mouth. Great stuff!
Sweet people have sweetness all around and Maude...teddies....Penny and Spike. Enjoy the day.
Adorable!!! I am in love with the teddy bears!
You two are "corny" in those matching tees!
Cute is GOOD. Love the tee shirts and the dinner too!
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