People think they know me, and I would say you know a little.... but I am more private than you might imagine.
It took forever to make this hippo bowl below and I loooove it and there is no flippin' way I am telling you how to do it, HA! My secret!
The wife and I were like "what childhood story has a hippo in it?" and remembered "hippo birdie 2 ewe" by the illustrator above and the wonderful little Egyptian hippo at the Met in NYC...
Now I need to make more of them....have an awesome Monday!

(hippo bowl by Gary Rith)
I can't imagine how you can get that thick hippo and that thin bowl to bake properly at the same time.
It's got such a good-natured happy look to it!
Great minds and all that jazz.
I agree...hippos are not easy to make, but yours are the coolest!
The hippo is actually hollow and approx. no thicker than the bowl :)
Well, if ever you're inclined to return to teaching...
Here's your trivia for the day: Hippo's milk is bright pink.
It's a great hippo, it looks like it would take a lot of time to make one.
George and Martha books, too!
George and Martha, that was what I was trying to remember!
so cute! I would share my breakfast with one.
But not the hippopotamus is one of my favorite books! I tend to give it and Goodnight Gorilla to anyone who has kids!!! "But not the armadillo...." Ha!
Frank's birthday greeting to .. .everyone is Hippo Birdie 2 Ewe.
I believe Hippos are under-appreciated. Love the bowls!
Okay, so I don't like the Twitter, but follow some people for work/volunteer stuff, BUT one of the fun people I follow is Sandra Boynton. The fun part? She often posts illustrations that she has done. I love it!
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