(Dickinson St, across the street from Emily Dickinson's house! Amherst, Mass...)
270 miles each way, about 4.5-5 hours drive times two....where did we go for the DAY?
We told friends we were going to the Emily Dickinson home and museum in Amherst, Mass and they said "oh, you're staying a couple of days?".
Nope, up before dawn and on the road at 6, in the museum and buying tickets for the 11 o'clock tour just before 11....it was AWESOME and I'll tell you more about it Monday (you drive for ten hours and it is not like you are doing anything, but golly you get TIRED and your body aches, doesn't it?).
We took the slow road home, the verrrrry slow road, through the beautiful Berkshires of Western Mass. stopping at the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls (on maybe the MOST perfect day of the year to do so) and also at an old favorite, the Mohawk Trail State Forest....

Aren't day trips glorious? So happy you got to go all those places, and that you're back home again and showing us all about it. Now the house?
Fabulous picture of you and the Missus!
We're going on a looooong summer road trip next month. I hope we come out the other end looking as good as you two!
You guys are road trip rock stars!!
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