You wonder what it takes for some to realize that it is the government's job to work for US, all citizens.
It has become common in recent years for a bullying "US vs. them" approach to politics, rather than a realization that politicians work for the people and not a few rich individuals or corporate interests.
In a conversation Thursday where I celebrated the fact that Obamacare survives and thrives with the Supreme Court's blessing, I was amazed at the other person's anger: "THIS PRESIDENT crammed this down our throats and the next president will be a republican who will repeal it!"
(Crammed? Work on universal health coverage began with Harry Truman in the 1940s...this is not new...)
No logic was given, just angry words. Despite the fact that MY HEALTH insurance is Obamacare, and the person I was speaking with cares for me. Am I an exception? Is everybody else unworthy? Why is it OK for the military to have all the money it wants from citizens for protection but it is not OK for those same citizens, all of whom have health or sickness every day of their lives, to have the protection of health insurance? Are public schools or police and fire departments available only to those who have a certain income or access? Would we be better off if we had NO PUBLIC services at all? Or do we sensibly realize we all work together for our mutual benefit and protection, which is an investment in making this a stronger and better nation? Better educated, healthier and able to be productive and tax-paying citizens.
I don't argue politics. My only response, which took me 24 hours to formulate and I am only sharing with you is "I will forgive you for your views which were formed in the 1950s".
I suspect that Friday's ruling on marriage equality inspired that person to FAR HIGHER levels of indignation. Again, we are talking about citizens of the USA having access to the same rights as other citizens, not too complicated, really....