Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Friday, January 17, 2014

the write stuff...

I have been making little animals and gluing them atop pencils for some years.  I sold them for like 3 bucks each once upon a time, until a few years ago a rich person tried to bargain with me and get 2 dozen at 2 bucks each.  I politely declined!  I would also add them in a package if somebody ordered a whatever, just as sort of a surprise gift.  I sent hundreds of them. Nobody ever thanked me! (what is it with this world, people are not ordering from Amazon, it is an artist, a single human being, somebody who works hard for every buck, why wouldn't you send a 2 second email of thanks?). People are VERY nice to me with my work, don't get me wrong, but I simply realized that me being generous seemed more important to me than the customer, so why bother giving an extra?

ANYWAY, that said, I still make them.  But for different reasons, like to simply give as a personal gift. (I would rather make and sell 70 dollar teapots, to tell you the truth!)
I made this batch for one of my very best friends.  Her daughter was turning 9 and having a party, and they wanted a dozen as party favors.  I made them the last second warned them that it was not a good idea.  These are NOT little rubber pigs, etc!  I said "listen, I am making them, but I don't think you should buy them.  By the end of the party half the kids will have broken them".  Because they are fragile, adult toys, really.  Turns out THEY had reached the same conclusion before me, and were relieved to change plans.  Which included moving the party to NY city and having it for more kids, at a skating rink!

The wife said to me last week, quite cleverly (she is genius!) "why not have a pig with his arms wrapped around the pencil, then it would be cuter and you could still use an eraser???".  BRILLIANT. I think I shall give that one to her today :)

In other news, Yogi was over Thursday, horsing around with our dog and cat...dang he is FUNNY!


Anonymous said...

Those critters are SO cute. Never saw pencil toppers like that before.

Barbara Rogers said...

Those animals have TOO much fun. I think you see the animals cavorting around and bring the same joy to your creations. I agree that your pencil toppers are so sweet...but I never use a pencil these days. Mmmm...what does that make you think of?

Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen said...

Those are fabulous! I use pencils every day. I also share your love of cute little animal things. I travel with a small mouse in my flute box and a hedgehog in my bag. Weirdo? Perhaps. Fun? Definitely. Both help when you're slogging through a long orchestra rehearsal. :)

Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen said...

And what the hell is wrong with people that they wouldn't say thank you for receiving such a gift? Manners are highly underrated.

knittergran said...

You sent me a dog refrigerator magnet when I ordered two mugs to help fund Mrs. G's trip across the country and I know I thanked you!!!
It's still on my refrigerator and I LOVE it!
So thank you again!

smalltownme said...

I apologize if I forgot to say thank you for the cat pencil. And the dog magnet which is staring at me right this minute... THANK YOU!!!! You are awesome, Gary!

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.