The question was, though, where to go? I needed to go where I couldn't be arrested, which is tricky. I was thinking the tax haven island of Jersey, but that is British and if they caught me I would be arrested, so I was thinking Switzerland. I was specifically thinking: arrive there and hire one of their lawyers who specialize in hiding people and their stolen money (in my dream there were SPECIALISTS in Switzerland, to help you hide yourself and your money) BUT the problem is, 800 thou is NOTHING, not even a million! You would think it is a lot, but meh...everybody these days has at least 8 million....
ANYWAY, back here on earth, I was making these bottles yesterday, just took blobs of clay and did not think about it or try to do anything fancy and I won't trim their bottoms, just a swipe with the sponge, and then to display them when done.... :)

I'm in love with all these little vessels you've been making. They have an incredible sense of scale....and as said before...they're CUTE!
May you have 800 thous more dreams that take you places you never thought you'd go!
The vases are cool as is the vase carrier.
Your dreams are as weird as mine; go figure!
You see, having a bunch of money can be a problem. That's why we are happy potters without 8 million dollars laying around.
Love that box. Makes for an awesome display cabinet. Makes me want to get out in the shed and knock one up. Out of sweat boxes to get me in front of the game so to speak.
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