I was dreaming last night that I was member of a mountain snow patrol. It feels sometimes like my dreams are truly psychically looking through somebody else's eyes, that I am in somebody else's head.
In this dream, and I have NO experience with this, none, I was part of a crew in midwinter that operates big snow machines in the Rockies to save people if needed, but more importantly we are the ones who make the avalanches happen in a controlled fashion. Wheel up to a mountain and shoot cannon at a big mass of snow, so that it slides where and when we can control it. Where did THIS come from?
Anyway, you see above what is definately the last Saturday in September eating out back. It was so warm and pleasant, what a thrill. The first week of October for us is often very cold and wet, soooo.... you love the last sunny warm days! And the colors are starting to get perfect!
I made a new pizza recipe yesterday--chickpea crust! It is SO easy and healthy, impossibly good...gonna make it again today!
Below-before and after with a glaze firing...looks good, there are a lot of orders in there...have a great SUNDAY!

Happy Sunday to you too...and we're sharing this marvelous weather. Something to remember in the months to come! Love the heart shaped bowls!
Your dream reminds me of one I had the year before we moved to Canada...walking through snow tunnels. Great looking kiln load!
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