I was telling somebody the other day "lately I have been making all these little pitchers and bottles, none of them decorated. Very unusual for me! I usually spend a lot of time thinking about each item as I make and decorate it, but this sort of pottery doesn't take any thought at all. You just sit there repeating shapes, thinking of everything and nothing, but not thinking about the pots at all...".
I have heard potters calling it "I am in the zone" when they are making a bunch of familiar shapes and items. It is meditative!
I glazed these guys Sunday morning, they are still hot in the kiln, having reached around 2200 degrees Sunday evening, but a quick peek shows they are looking goooooood...... all green! Wait until you see what I do with them later today....

Sometimes it's nice just being in that meditative state with our pots. It's sort of like long distance running without the sweat and sore muscles and stuff.
I totally get you about "the zone." Of course, for me it would not be pottery, but something else altogether.
I think I would like making a quantity of pots that are beautiful and that I enjoy. Something different than HAVING to make a bunch of stuff. I'm always amazed that you are so neat and tidy. I'd have glaze all over that nice blue sweater.
I love being in that meditative mode....it kind of clears your brain from activity for a while. :)
Great vases!
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